Sponsored Training Visas - Information

Sponsored training visa is meant for those individuals who desire to come to Australia in order to undergo a specialized development program or to attend an in house training program of the employer company.

In order to avail any such facilities, the candidate can request for sponsored training visa by the help of his or her employers.

Below are some of the sponsored training visa options available to the overseas applicants.

Training and Research Visa (Subclass 402)

Training and Research Visa (Subclass 402) permits you to arrive to Australia on a provisional basis to undergo an industrial training, execute or scrutinize research study being a visiting scholar or take part in a specialized development program.

This Training and Research visa (subclass 402) is meant for those individuals who would like to arrive to Australia on a provisional basis to take on work related training, do some sort of academic and scholastic study as a visitor scholar or attend a skill development course.

The Training and Research visa has three different sub divisions:

Professional Development Visa (Subclass 470)

Professional Development Visa (Subclass 470) visa permits sponsored foreign candidates who are specialized experts, business executives or government bureaucrats to undergo a specialized development training course in Australia for maximum time duration of 18 months.

Occupational Trainee Visa (Subclass 442)

Occupational Trainee Visa (Subclass 442) permits foreign nationals to undergo an administered office related training course in Australia. The training course must offer an added skill set in their current job or area of expertise.