Australian Refugee and Humanitarian Visa - Information
The refugee and humanitarian immigration scheme of Australia is accessible to individuals in Australia who meet the criteria of being recognised as refugees according to the established rules and regulations of the United Nations Refugee Convention.
Those out of the country may look for migrating in to Australia only in the case if they are eligible of being recognised as refugees under the U.N. Refugee Convention or in the case if they stay outside their home nation and are exposed to considerable human rights infringements in their home nation.
Also, it must be mentioned here that abroad candidates have got to be sponsored by a qualified individual staying in Australia or association operating in Australia.
Various schemes available under refugee and humanitarian visa Australia are as under:
Offshore - Resettlement
Offshore resettlement is meant for individuals staying outside Australia and who are in desperate requirement of charitable help. They must be recognised as a refugee or as a person exposed to significant prejudice or harassment in their home nation. Also, the candidates must be staying outside their home nation as in case they are staying in their home nation, there shall be very rare chances that they will meet the eligibility to be considered for this type of visa.
Onshore - Protection
Onshore protection is meant for those individuals who are already staying in Australia and who are recognised as refugees.
The ImmiCard is obtainable to qualified candidates who have been issued a Protection Visa or a Bridging Visa E.
This ImmiCard has substituted the Visa Evidence Card (VEC), which was also recognised as PL056.
Owners of Temporary Protection Visa and Temporary Humanitarian Visa
Elimination of Temporary Protection visa (TPV) and Temporary Humanitarian visa (THV) Owners,
Who are eligible for PPV?
All the existing and prospective visa candidates for shelter in Australia as at 9 August 2008 are qualified for the owning of a Permanent Protection visa (PPV), only in the case if applicable norms are met.
Irregular Maritime Arrivals
This is meant for those individuals who enter Australia on a boat without owning a valid visa.