Onshore Protection Visa Australia - Information

The onshore part of the Refugee and Humanitarian scheme focuses to offer alternatives for individuals who are staying in Australia and desire to request for shelter. There is just 1 visa offered to individuals onshore who desire to request for protection.

Protection visa (Class XA) (Subclass 866)

Who can apply for this subclass of visa?

To be issued a Protection visa you will be required to:

What facilities do this visa provides to me?

This visa permits you to stay and do a job in Australia as a permanent inhabitant, having the right to use the Medicare and Centreline services.

Owners of the protection visa can also get an array of services to help them in acclimatizing into life and culture of Australia.

Who is owed shelter in Australia?

As per the Refugees Convention refugees are individuals who are not in their home nation and are incapable or reluctant to go back since they have a well established apprehension of harassment because of their:

Modifications to the processing of Protection visa

Starting 24 March 2012, 2 major modifications to Protection visa processing will happen.