Australian Citizenship Test - Our Common Bond Guide to Success

Australian Citizenship Test – “Our Common Bond” Guide to Success

Acquiring Australian citizenship is an important milestone in the life of an aspiring Australian citizen. In order to become a citizen in a diverse, economically prosperous and powerful country like Australia, one must have all other qualifications along with the citizenship test. Let us discuss only the details related to the citizenship test here! For […]

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Why Millions of People Apply for Australian Citizenship - 12 Key Benefits

Why People Apply for Australian Citizenship and Its 12 Key Benefits

There are many advantages and benefits of becoming an Australian citizen. Australian citizenship not only improves your personal and family living standards but also provides social, political, economic, educational, personal security, and many other benefits to you and your family members. Let us know the important benefits of Australian citizenship through the things explained below.

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Glossary of testable section

Glossary of testable section

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the original inhabitants of the land in Australia The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia make up approximately three per cent of the Australian population. Australian Human Rights Commission an independent Commission which investigates complaints about discrimination and human

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What do the three levels of government do

What do the three levels of government do?

The main difference between the three levels of government is that, although some responsibilities may overlap, generally each level of government provides different services. What role do political parties play in the way Australia is governed? A political party is a group of people who share similar ideas about how a country should be governed.

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How is Australia governed

How is Australia governed?

The Australian Government The Australian Government is also called the Federal Government or the Commonwealth Government. The Government is made up of members of the Australian Parliament, which has two Houses: In a federal election, Australian citizens vote to elect representatives to each House of Parliament. The House of Representatives The House of Representatives is

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How is the power of government controlled

How is the power of government controlled?

The Australian Constitution divides the power of government between the legislative (Parliament), executive(for example the Prime Minister and the Cabinet) and judicial powers (judges), to stop one person, or one group, from holding all the power. Legislative power Legislative power is the power to make laws. Parliament has the power to make and change the

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