Our freedoms

Our freedoms

Freedom of speech and freedom of expression

Freedom of speech is a core Australian value and underpins our democratic system. Freedom of speech means people can say and write what they think, and discuss their ideas with others. For example, people can criticise the government, protest peacefully against government decisions and campaign to change laws, so long as at all times they are still obeying Australian laws.

Freedom of expression means people can express their views, including through art, film, music and literature. People are free to meet in public or private places for social or political discussion. At all times, even while engaging in freedom of speech and freedom of expression, the laws of Australia must be obeyed. We must also respect other people’s freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

Freedom of association

Freedom of association is the right to form and join associations to pursue common goals. For example, in Australia people are free to join any legal organisation, such as a political party, trade union, religious, cultural or social group. People can also decide not to join, and cannot be forced into doing so.

Australians can gather with others to protest against a government action or an organisation. At all times, however, the laws of Australia must be obeyed. This means that such gatherings must be peaceful, and must not injure any person or damage property.

Freedom of religion

Australia has a Judaeo-Christian heritage, and many Australians describe themselves as Christians, but there are people in Australia from all the large religions. Australia has public holidays on Christian days such
as Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Christmas Day.

The government and the law treat all citizens equally, whatever their religion or beliefs. The government in
Australia is secular, which means it operates separately from churches or other religious entities. Australia has no official national religion. People in Australia are free to follow any religion they choose. They may also not choose to follow a religion.

At all times, even while engaging in religious practices, the laws of Australia must be obeyed. Where there is a conflict between an Australian law and a religious practice, Australian law prevails.

Our equalities

There are a number of laws in Australia that ensure a person is not treated differently to others because of their gender, race, disability or age.

Gender equality

Men and women have equal rights in Australia. It is against the law to discriminate against a person because of their gender.

Equality of opportunity and a ‘fair go’

Australians value equal opportunity in our society; what is often called a ‘fair go’. This means that what someone achieves in life should be as a result of their talents, work and effort, rather than their wealth or background. This is to ensure that there are no formal class distinctions in Australian society.