Australian Citizenship Guide
“Visit our blog posts for updates, insights, and tips related to Australian Citizenship and visas, study guide and other latest information.”
Australian Citizenship Test – “Our Common Bond” Guide to Success
Acquiring Australian citizenship is an important milestone in the life of an aspiring Australian citizen….
Why People Apply for Australian Citizenship and Its 12 Key Benefits
There are many advantages and benefits of becoming an Australian citizen. Australian citizenship not only…
Glossary of testable section
Glossary of testable section Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples the Aboriginal and Torres Strait…
Our community
Making a contribution Citizenship gives you the opportunity to fully participate in our nation’s life…
Australian values
Australian values based on freedom, respect, fairness and equality of opportunity are central to our…
How are laws made?
The Australian Parliament has the power to make or change laws in Australia to benefit…
What do the three levels of government do?
The main difference between the three levels of government is that, although some responsibilities may…
How is Australia governed?
The Australian Government The Australian Government is also called the Federal Government or the Commonwealth…
How is the power of government controlled?
The Australian Constitution divides the power of government between the legislative (Parliament), executive(for example the…
Government and the law in Australia
At the citizenship ceremony, you pledge to uphold and obey the laws of Australia. Australia’s…
Responsibilities and privileges of Australian citizenship
When you become an Australian citizen, you will have additional responsibilities and privileges. Responsibilities—what you…
Our freedoms
Freedom of speech and freedom of expression Freedom of speech is a core Australian value…