Australian Citizenship for Babies Born Overseas

According to the rules in Australian Citizenship, if someone is born overseas in any time and period after 26th of January 1949, to a parent who is Australian citizen, the baby can have the right to apply for Australian citizenship by descent. There is also a clause where the responsible parent becomes Australian citizen by descent. The parents being male or female must be present in Australia for a period of two years in any time in his or her life.

Individual born outside Australia

There are clauses for all those individuals who were born outside New Guinea or Australia before the period 26th of January 1949. These individuals may be eligible for Australian citizenship by descent. If one among the responsible parent of individual has acquired Australian citizenship by descent, the baby can also claim the status of Australian citizen. It is important to have a look at the fact sheet 36A international Surrogacy to check if you are entering into international surrogacy arrangement.

Criteria for application lodged overseas

If you are residing outside Australia, it will be important for you to contact nearest immigration office that is placed outside Australian nation. You can easily have a view at the website before lodging your application. The process would include attending an appointment with the authority which is also known as an important consideration for the application process.

Baby bonus scheme

Australian government will not only provide you with the scope of Australian citizenship for babies born overseas. Rather, it also has a wonderful strategy to create a baby bonus scheme. This is a facility provided to the parents for the babies born after 1st of July 2008. Lump sum money is paid to the parent on giving birth to baby. The parent will not have to pass through any income or asset test in order to qualify baby bonus schemes provided by the Australian government. If you want to receive this payment, you must produce a claim within 26 weeks of child's birth. But, you must produce proof about child's birth and that you are the legal parent of the child must also be disclosed.