Australian Citizenship Test Tips

Students appearing for the board exam would study really hard for the entire year. But, even after studying for the whole years they wish to get some idea of the questions which is actually important for the forthcoming examination. A group of people would name it as a suggestive paper. Similarly, if you are willing to sit for the Australian citizenship test, it is really important for you to get some idea about Australian citizenship test tips.

Resource of citizenship test

The applicant willing to get the citizenship in Australia would receive a resource book with naturalization application. According to the latest rule of Australian Government, an individual appearing for the citizenship test has to score minimum of 75% in the whole test procedure. The test is conducted to assess the fluency and understanding power of an individual to speak and understand English language. It is mandatory for a citizen to know English as this is the national language of Australia. The citizenship test is conducted to know whether the individual applying for the same has some knowledge about the values and literature of the particular nation.

Tips for passing citizenship test