Australian Citizenship Oath
An oath in the process of citizenship is a promise taken by the citizens who have been a citizen of a different nation but have now been associated with a foreign land as a resident. There are many immigrants that naturalizes into the status of citizenship. One has to apply for the citizenship of the nation and after approval the final stage comes. The final stage of citizenship process as per the government of Australia is known as Australian Citizenship oath.
A statement of loyalty
If you have taken an oath for a particular nation being the citizen of that particular nation, the nation will definitely demand loyalty from you. It is really important for the citizen to be patriotic towards the particular nation. Generally, the countries which monarchial system is followed, oath of allegiance to the government or monarch is required. Australian Citizenship oath is really important as the country runs on the rule of monarch.
Pledge of commitment
Under the Australian government, there is a pledge to the nation as well as God which needs to be stated by each citizen willing to get into Australian citizenship in the particular nation. According to this pledge, the citizens will state a pledge to Australia as well as the people of this particular nation. They would promise to share democratic belief of the nation. It is also important to respect rights and liabilities of the particular nation. They would also promise to obey and uphold the laws.
You will be able to hear about revolution in Australia due to the chance in Australian Citizenship oath. This was an effect of conversion of Australian nation from British rule to a nation with multi culture. It is really important to know about the history of the particular nation before getting into citizenship application. You can now read books, journal etc that includes facts and figures of the Australian nation. After reading such rules you will be in a state to go ahead with the facts and figures of the Australian nation. Australian Citizenship oath is an important criterion for knowing people as the citizen of the particular nation.