Australian Citizenship Test Practice

Pass your Australian citizenship test in 2025 with the latest Practice Tests and 'Our Common Bond' learning material!

Australian Citizenship Test Practice 2025

12 Years of Reliability

For the past 12 years, with your continued admiration, we have been providing high-quality, free Australian citizenship test practice questions without any compromise.

We've been earning your trust and confidence for the past 12 years by providing unlimited free practice tests and accurate information to those preparing for the Australian citizenship test. That's why we can proudly say that is one of the best online resources. We offered 100% reliable and trusted, unlimited free practice tests to thousands of citizenship test aspirants.

Citizenship Test Practice

There are a total of 20 practice tests in this section, called the Australian Citizenship Practice Test. These tests cover all the topics from the testable section of the official 'Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond' resource book.

New Citizenship Test

The questions in these new citizenship practice tests, which are not covered by other practice tests on our website. Be sure to practice these as well to complete your preparation.

Part 1 to Part 4 Practice Tests

If you are seriously preparing for the Australian citizenship test, you must cover all four parts of the 'Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond' resource book. Below are the citizenship practice tests for each topic.

Mock Citizenship Test

The Five mock tests below are similar to the official Australian citizenship test, so practice them thoroughly.

About Australian Citizenship Test

What is Australian citizenship test?

Those who wish to obtain Australian citizenship must pass the Australian citizenship test. The Australian citizenship test is conducted by the department of home affairs Australia to assess whether you have sufficient knowledge of Australia, its democratic system, beliefs and values, and the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship. The citizenship test will be in English, taken on a computer, have time limit of 45 minutes, and will consist of 20 multiple-choice questions.

When can I do my citizenship test?

Applicants in the age group of 18 to 59 years who have applied for citizenship and obtained an appointment letter will have to compulsorily attend the citizenship test or attend an interview.

What is required to pass the Australian Citizenship Test?

How long is the citizenship test?

You must complete the Australian citizenship test in 45 minutes (or within 90 minutes for an Assisted Test).

Multiple-Choice Citizenship Test

How many questions are in the Citizenship Test?

There will be 20 Multiple-Choice questions. Each question consists of 3 options from which you need to identify a correct answer.

What score do I need to pass the citizenship test?

The citizenship test consists of 20 multiple-choice questions, with 1 mark being given for each correct answer. You need to give correct answers to at least 15 questions, i.e., 15 marks, or get 75% marks. The important point here is that you have to give correct answers to all 5 questions from Australian values; otherwise, you will not be able to pass the citizenship test.

How much time will I get to complete the citizenship test?

In general, you have to complete the Australian citizenship test within 45 minutes.

How many possible options are there to each question?

All questions will have 3 options. Out of these 1 is correct and rest are wrong answers. For example, take a look at the question below.

Question: What is a referendum?

Correct Answer: B) A vote to change the Australian Constitution

What type of questions will I be asked?

As you know, the questions asked in the Australian citizenship test come from the official resource booklet 'Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond'. There are 4 parts in it which are:

In addition to these 4 parts, there is a possibility of asking questions from glossary as well.

What are Australian Values questions?

15 November 2020, some changes have been made to the Australian citizenship test. The most important of these changes is the introduction of Part 4 called Australian Values in The Australian Citizenship - Our Common Bond. These changes will result in 5 questions related to Australian values being asked in the citizenship test, and only if these 5 questions are answered correctly can you pass the citizenship test. There is a need to pay special attention to this chapter called Australian Values, which is of such importance. Use these practice tests on our website to solve questions related to these Australian values.

Australian Citizenship Test Preparation

How should I prepare for my citizenship test?

The best way to prepare for the Australian citizenship test is to practice the citizenship practice test questions and answers on our website.

A special section called 'Mock Test' on our website gives you the feeling of taking the real Australian citizenship test because we have incorporated all the features of the official citizenship test into these mock practice tests. For example, there is a 45-minute time limit, 20 questions, 3 answer options, questions from 4 parts, and glossary from the official resource, you can pass if you get 15 marks. So, you must practice these mock tests from here.

Another good feature of this website is new practice tests and chapter wise practice tests. With these you will practice questions and answers from each section related to the 4 parts in the official resource. We have prepared special practice tests without leaving out every little thing related to individual parts, so if you make proper use of it, you will be able to pass the citizenship test in your first attempt itself. Why late start the practice now?

As well as, there are other valuable resources to help you succeed in the Australian citizenship test. These are:

1. Australian Citizenship - Our Common Bond: This is a very important and valuable resource because the questions and their answers on this website are taken from it. Read this book as many times as you can and develop a clear understanding of its contents.

2. YouTube videos: Videos related to practice test questions and answers are freely available on YouTube these days. These videos will also help in your preparation. But practice is important so practice the citizenship practice tests on our website along with these videos.

When should I start studying for my citizenship test?

You will definitely have to devote more time to Australian citizenship test preparation because you have to read the official resource book Australian Citizenship - Our Common Bond and do revision many times as well as practice online practice tests. It is not easy to complete all these in a short time. People have different learning ability and style but you should start your preparation a few weeks in advance.

Do I need to practice all the questions?

Yes, you must complete all of the practice questions on our website. As we all know, citizenship test questions are asked from the resource booklet Australian Citizenship - Our Common Bond. It has two parts: one is the Testable section, and the second is the Non-testable section. The questions in the Australian citizenship test will come from the information in the Testable section. Keeping all this in mind, we have prepared practice tests with their questions and answers based on the information related to the Testable section of the official booklet. Only if you practice all the practice tests will you become a complete learner of the information in all sections of the official study guide. When it comes to mock tests, since these are similar to the official citizenship test, you will write your official Australian citizenship test without any fear or anxiety, and you will pass with good marks on your first attempt.

Is the Australian citizenship test hard?

The Australian citizenship test is a bit more difficult as you have to correctly answer 5 questions based on Australian values. According to the Department of Home Affairs, the pass rate is around 90%, which indicates that many will succeed. However, this success is usually due to good preparation and revision.

Australian values section is considered as the most difficult part in the Australian citizenship test. Due to insufficient preparation for this section, some applicants have been not succeeding to give answers to Australian values section questions, with this to have failed in the Australian citizenship test.

You must give correct answers to all 5 questions of the Australian values section, so you have to allocate sufficient time to this section for preparation along with other parts of the official study guide booklet.

Are there any tricky questions in the citizenship test?

There are no difficult or tricky questions in the Australian citizenship test. With presence of mind, you can answer nearly all the questions, as they are straightforward.

Citizenship Appointment Booking:

Appointment time and location

The letter sent by the Department of Home Affairs will contain details of the date, time, and location of your appointment. According to it you have to attend the citizenship test.

How to Reschedule my Appointment?

If you need to reschedule your appointment for any reason, please carefully follow the instructions in your appointment letter. You can reschedule your appointment by logging into The Department of Home Affairs website.

Where are citizenship appointments usually held?

Citizenship appointments are held at the following places:

Find out the details related to them from here.

If you lodge your application from another country, the Department of Home Affairs will send you an invitation to take the test after you return to Australia. If you are unable to return to Australia, the Department of Home Affairs may arrange your citizenship test appointment at an Australian Embassy or Consulate, but this only happens in exceptional circumstances.

What happens at your appointment center?

You should arrive on time at the citizenship appointment center.

The Department of Home Affairs will discuss the following with you:

Once the Department of Home Affairs personnel have confirmed your identity and eligibility, you will be required to take a citizenship test.

What are the rules for the Citizenship Test?

The following rules are very important. If you do not follow them, you will have to leave the test center without completing your citizenship test.

After the Australian Citizenship Test

What happens if you pass the test?

If you pass the citizenship test, your application process will continue.

If your application is approved by the Department of Home Affairs, you will be required to attend a citizenship ceremony. An invitation letter will be sent to you four weeks before the event.

What happens if you fail the test?

We wholeheartedly hope that you will pass the citizenship test. However, if you unexpectedly fail this test, it will not affect your permanent visa or stay in Australia.

If you fail the test, you can book another appointment and retake the test at no extra cost.

If you fail to pass the citizenship test 3 times, there is a high chance that your application will be rejected. Whenever you practice all Australian citizenship practice test questions and their answers on our website, you will not have a chance to imagine this situation.